Advice on what to do if you are struggling to pay your energy bills
Cost of living factsheet from the government
Grants and benefits to help you pay your energy bills
Here is our leaflet about government help for people facing fuel price rises
Here is some useful information from Citizens Advice about how to save on fuel and water bills
Here is some helpful info from Citizens Advice about issues with ‘in home devices’ which help you to keep track of fuel costs and use
We’ve launched new advice pages for people using an in-home display (IHD) on our public website. These are portable devices that show the user their energy use and costs, and are usually provided when a smart meter is installed. Consumers are increasingly looking for information to help them use their IHD, and to troubleshoot problems with them. On the new pages, clients can find advice on using an IHD, fixing problems with an IHD, and user guides for specific IHD models
The Energy Saving Trust’s blog has some new energy advice posts which are available on their website: