Fuel Poverty

Fuel Poverty
Fred Barrington

If you are worried that your energy supplier has or might go bust – here is a link to help and information from Citizens Advice.

This page will help you get the best deal from your energy supplier. It also highlights the help that is available, from both energy suppliers and Government, if you are struggling to pay your energy bills.

What sort of service can you expect from your energy supplier?

  • Check your Energy Deal: Find out, every year, which tariff is cheapest for you. Call your supplier to discuss your options.
  • Switch: Check an accredited independent website to see if you could get your energy cheaper elsewhere. Shopping around could save you hundreds of pounds if you have never switched before.
  • Be Energy Aware: Changes in lifestyle to save energy will save money. For example do not leave appliances in stand by.
  • Insulate: Insulating cavity walls, topping up loft insulation, installing double glazing and upgrading your boiler could save you good money. You may be able to get a grant. Call 0300 123 1234 to find out which Government funded schemes are available in your area.
  • Winter Fuel Payments: Keep warm this Winter. Check for Winter Fuel Allowances.
  • Emergency Fuel Debt Relief: Some funding is available to help with fuel bill debt.
  • Struggling to pay your Energy Bill

Agencies that can help

6th April 2018