Message from colleagues in Adult Social Care…

Message from colleagues in Adult Social Care…
Have your Say* 
Kingston Council is currently looking at how it works with some of the fantastic voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Kingston. Your voice matters. We would like to hear from Kingston residents and unpaid carers to discuss themes related to Adult Social Care Commissioning and to help us shape and improve our offer in the borough. There are different ways for you to have your say on these topics: 
  • Respite
  • Finding and managing a personal assistant
  • Accessible transport
  • Mental health (prevention/early intervention and bereavement)
  • Advocacy
  • Supporting adults living with dementia and their unpaid carers
  • Supporting older people in the community
In-person drop-in for all: Guildhall, Room 41 on Wednesday 31st May 1-4pm. There is a poster attached for your information. 

Surveys about specific themes: 

  1. Survey: Help with travel. Click here to do the survey online or you can ask for a paper copy if you prefer. Closing date: 19th June 2023
  2. Survey: Finding and Managing Personal Assistants (PAs). Please click here to do the survey online or you can ask for a paper copy if you prefer. Closing date: 6th June 2023.
Thank you for helping us continue to develop the services we provide for our residents. We look forward to hearing from you. 
If you have any questions you can email and we would be happy to help.

Feel free to spread the word …